The end of summer and the beginning of fall. 
September Quote Free Printables | Helen Hunt Jackson | Two original printables to welcome September. Free and ready to download instantly for DIY wall art!
     This year is flying by. We’ve had an amazingly mild summer with cooler than usual weather and more rain. Our garden has almost run its course. We are usually low on inspiration about this time to plant a fall garden. We still have plenty of spaghetti squash. 
     We have been watching the devastation from Hurricanes Harvey and Irma in Texas and Florida and are praying for the survivors as they work to build back. We want to help as much as we can by donating money and supplies.
Happy Retirement, Bob!
     We have so much to be thankful for. God has supplied our needs as Bob retired this summer – for the third time! He worked for the Natural Resource Conservation Service for 54 years; as District Conservationist with the USDA for 20 years; technician with the Conservation Districts for 26 years and as a federal retiree for 8 years. He has enjoyed his job, for the most part, and has helped many farmers and ranchers conserve their soil, water, and other natural resources. Now he’s able to spend more time working in the yard and garden…as well as…volunteer at the conservation office!
Nana’s Treasures
    My special granddaughter for this month is Rylee Danielle Smith. Rylee shares her birthday with Jesus, December 25th, though she usually celebrates early. Rylee is twelve and in 7th grade this year. She is a good student and has received honors from her school. She has a soft heart and thinks of others. We are very proud of her.
Writing News
    I wish I had more news to share. I have continued to work on my final edit of Romance Along the Rails and I am working on summaries and blurbs that will go on the back cover. There is a lot to do to get a book ready to publish. I am also trying to refine my social media skills. It is not easy for “an old dog to learn new tricks.” I wish it was as easy for me as it is for my kids and grandkids. Hopefully, by next month I’ll have more progress to report.

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